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  • Writer's pictureJas

Hi MTV, welcome to my crib

Me & my blog - research, opinions, paintings, tarot card readings, & more!

Hi! My name is Jasmine McCarthy and I am finally starting my long-time put off blog!!!

I am 20 years old, a junior in college at Gonzaga University (GO ZAGS), originally from San Diego, and have LOTS of thoughts.

I am a Psychology-Sociology major, with a Women and Gender Studies minor - so you can guess how much I love to analyze things. I stand for social justice and love to reflect this in my artwork. I believe in all that "hippy shit" - supporting your local artists, reducing my carbon footprint, being holistically healthy (mentally AND physically!), sustainable agriculture, astrology, and political activism.

I originally wanted this blog to be solely research that I have done on numerous metaphysical topics, such as: the chakra system, zodiac, numerology, astrology, etcetera. Buuuut, seeing as I've put this blog off for about four years now, lots has changed since then. So, I want this blog to be a safe space - a place of learning, exploration, opinion, discussion, and enlightenment. Pure thoughts and pure hearts.

On top of sharing all of my extensive past research on the previously stated metaphysical topics to give you all a good base understanding of where I'm coming from, I'm going to be sharing:

-art that I work on (some poetry and LOTS of paintings with embedded symbolism and somewhat political statements, mainly focusing on metaphysical aspects of the Universe and how it connects to society through the sociological imagination),

-my opinions and put-togethers of what I learn in school,

-"how to"s on working with natal charts, astrology, crystals, tarot/meditation/intention cards, herbs, essential oils, sage cleansings, feng shui, etcera

-book recommendations

I hope to share with you the world of the metaphysical that has enhanced my life immensely. I mean, we are entering the age of pisces, so I know y'all can vibe with this shit (*laughing emoji*).

I hope to inspire others to explore the metaphysical and natural realms of the Universe, as others have inspired me!

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