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  • Writer's pictureJas

The 7 Chakras

Updated: Feb 13, 2018

7. CROWN ~ Sahasrara

Our ability to be fully connected spiritually.

Affected by: inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss

To heal: meditation, cardio, fresh air, sunshine

Associated color: purple

6. THIRD EYE ~ Ajna

Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.

Affected by: intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions

To heal: child pose, forward bends, eye exercises, herbal oils, chocolate, lavender

Associated color: indigo

5. THROAT ~ Vishuddha

Our ability to communicate.

Affected by: communication, self-expression of feelings, speaking the truth, holding secrets

To heal: shoulder stand, sing/chant, fruit, teas

Associated color: blue

4. HEART ~ Anahata

Our ability to love.

Affected by: love, joy, inner peace

To heal: bikram yoga, love (open up heart to others), green foods, tea

Associated color: green

3. SOLAR PLEXUS ~ Manipura

Our ability to be confident and in control of our lives.

Affected by: self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem

To heal: Kundalini (grounding) yoga, boat pose, dance, mint tea, grain and fiber, corn

Associated color: dark orange

2. SACRAL ~ Svadhishthana

Our connection to and ability to accept others and new experiences.

Affected by: emotional issues (sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality)

To heal: pelvic thrusts, cobra pose, nuts, oranges

Associated color: light orange

1. ROOT ~ Muladhara

Our foundation and feeling of being grounded.

Affected by: survival issues (money, food)

To heal: Kundalini yoga for lower spine, bridge pose, stomp feet on bare ground

Associated color: red


I'll be posting more about holistic healing with the chakras - utilizing essential oils, mantras for intentional meditation, and more! :) Will be up in the "Working With.." section of this blog coming soon!

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