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Chakra System

Updated: Jan 31, 2018

What are "chakras" and "universal energy"? How the system works and how to holistically heal your own chakras. (AKA my attempt at explaining the rooted science behind the chakras) ---- (CHECK OUT my post on "Body Meridians" and Yin and Yang energy for further explanation of chi/prana/cosmic energy)

disclaiiiiiimer though - so I am still trying to fully wrap my head around how fine the line is between scientific legitimacy of this and a mystical explanation/theory. I'm currently reading a book called "The Wheels of Life", by Anodea Judith - a book that the athor wrote over 50 years ago and recently edited and re-published it to merge with our advancements in universal knowledge and technological advances. Very cool so far!


So, to get started... we know that 1 -- the universe is made up of two fundamentally empirical things: matter (physical space) and energy (life force). 2 -- we know that each projection of light can be measured with the Unit of light flow (luminous flux). The output of artificial lights can be measured in lumens. Unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter. 3 -- Sound energy travels in waves and is measured in frequency and amplitude. The energy in a sound wave can be measured using Decibels. The Decibel Meter shows examples of things that make noise and measurements in decibels. Amplitude measures how forceful the wave is. 4 -- The gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth create the tides in the ocean. Because the gravitational force decreases as the distance squared, the part of the Earth that is closer to the Moon or the Sun is pulled a little extra and a bulge (tide) is created. 5 -- Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is a stream of photons (bundles of energy -- of light -- always in motion) traveling in waves. EM radiation can travel through empty space, differentiating it from other types of waves, such as sound, which need a medium to move through. All forms of EM radiation reside on the electromagnetic spectrum, which ranks radiation from lowest energy/longest wavelength to highest energy/shortest wavelength. The higher the energy, the stronger, and therefore more dangerous, the radiation. [source: NASA] The different energy waves that exist within the electromagnetic spectrum are: radio waves, microwaves, visible waves, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, gamma rays.

SOOOOOO, we have established that: the world is made up of physical matter and life energy, and there exists great amounts of invisible and visible energy in our Universe. Cosmic energy is thought to be a vital source that animates all forms of life and maintains the balance of the entire cosmos. It refers to spiritual energy that is taken in, regulated, and emitted - malleably permeated through our energetic physical auras - through our chakras.


Chakra is a part of the esoteric medieval era theories about physiology and psychic centers that emerged across Indian traditions. The theory posited that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions, one "physical body" (sthula sarira) and other "psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical" it is called the "subtle body" (suksma sarira).

This subtle body is energy (life and [spiritual] awareness; thought and consciousness), while the physical body is mass (physical space).

The psyche or mind plane corresponds to and interacts with the body plane, and the theory posits that the body and the mind mutually affect each other.The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy. [CHECK MY POST ON BODY MERIDIANS TO READ MORE ABOUT THESE "NADI" ENERGY CHANNELS]

“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word that meaning "wheel." A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. There are seven main chakras and they are located along the spine extending out the front and back of the body. These centers were named as such because of the circular shape to the spinning energy centers which exist in our subtle etheric body, the non-material energetic counterpart to our physical body. These energetic centers represent our highest level of integration split, prism like, into a spectrum of colors. Our opportunity in studying them is to learn how to master each chakra’s essence and unite them all into a unified field of brilliance. As such, we re-unite our disparate parts into a radian light of full self-awareness.

Chakras both take up and collect prana/chi (life force [cosmic] energy) and transform and pass on energy. Our material bodies could not exist without them as they serve as gateways for the flow of energy and life into our physical bodies. They are formed at the junction of three connected energy shafts that ascend the spine, one on each side of the central channel, the Shushumna. The two lesser channels of energy -- the Pingala on the right and Ida on the left -- run parallel to the spinal cord.


Each chakra is associated with a certain part of the body and a certain organ which it provides with the energy it needs to function. Additionally, just as every organ in the human body has its equivalent on the mental and spiritual level, so too every chakra corresponds to a specific aspect of human behavior and development. Our circular spirals of energy differ in size and activity from person to person. They vibrate at different levels relative to the awareness of the individual and their ability to integrate the characteristics of each into their life. The lower chakras are associated with fundamental emotions and needs, for the energy here vibrates at a lower frequency and is therefore denser in nature. The finer energies of the upper chakras corresponds to our higher mental and spiritual aspirations and faculties.

The openness and flow of energy through our chakras determines our state of health and balance. Knowledge of our more subtle energy system empowers us to maintain balance and harmony on the physical, mental and spiritual level.

All meditation and yoga systems seek to balance out the energy of the chakras by purifying the lower energies and guiding them upwards.

Through the use of grounding, creating “internal space,” and living consciously with an awareness of how we acquire and spend our energy we become capable of balancing our life force with our mental, physical and spiritual selves.

They are charged and recharged through contact with the stream of cosmic energy in the atmosphere in much the same way that your home is connected to a central power source within a city – the only difference is that this cosmic energy source is free.

Chakras connect your spiritual bodies to your physical one. They regulate the flow of energy throughout the electrical network (meridians) that runs through the physical body. The body’s electrical system resembles the wiring in a house. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part, and it is ready for use when needed.

Sometimes chakras become blocked because of stress, emotional or physical problems. If the body’s ‘energy system’ can not flow freely it is likely that problems will occur. The consequence of irregular energy flow may result in physical illness and discomfort or a sense of being mentally and emotionally out of balance.

In order for us to become fully self-realized and in harmony with our physical and spiritual nature our denser lower energies need to be harmonized with the lighter energies of the upper centers.

This is to say our survival and base tendencies have to be raised to incorporate a heart-felt spiritual focus expressed in all areas of our being.

Indeed, each of the upper-level energies corresponds and refines a lower level counterpart: 7th with 1st, 6th with 2nd, 5th with 3rd. In the center of our being is full integration into the heart.

Rudolf Steiner (20th-century Austrian philosopher) described the chakra system to be dynamic and evolving; suggesting that it has become different for modern people than it was in ancient times and that it will, in turn, be radically different in future times.

He described a sequence of development that begins with the upper chakras and moves down, rather than moving in the opposite direction. He gave suggestions on how to develop the chakras through disciplining thoughts, feelings, and will.

[this post utilized information from:,, and "The Biological Basis for Mind Body Interactions" - E.A. Mayer, C.B. Saper]


I have posted a part two to this that lists and explains each chakra, what each is affected by, and how to heal each of the seven chakras! :) Happy learning and happy healing everybody! :)

ALSO, I realize that this is pretty dense and thought-provoking. I would love to answer/respond to any questions that may come up while reading this. The best way humans learn after all is by a cultural transmission/social learning - AKA conversing and building empirically upon the knowledge of one another, so let's expand ourselves - let's conversate! :)

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